Safety culture: the way forward
Icsi offers a 5-step method for moving successfully towards your future safety culture. From the diagnosis, to the anchoring of new values and practices in the organization, the approach unfolds over several years – the time needed to create and share a vision, coconstruct the programme and create synergies to deploy the change.

| Why commit to a safety culture approach? |
- Is your safety performance stagnating or deteriorating?
- Do you have to deal with fatal accidents, or near-misses that could have been very serious?
- Safety is not a priority for personnel working in the field? Managers don’t always know what is going on?
- Safety information is poorly disseminated?
- Safety is the domain of an expert in your organization?
These are all signs that you need a new approach to safety, one that is centered on safety culture and buy-in from all stakeholders.
| A 5-step method |
1. Diagnose your safety culture
You establish the current level of safety culture in your organization via a diagnosis that includes the beliefs and perceptions of actors. This diagnosis and the need for change are shared by all actors.
2. Create your vision of safety culture
You create your vision of the desired level of safety culture, in line with your context and business model. You define a strategy
for change and form a group of allies to lead the change.
3. Co-construct your safety culture programme
You co-construct your safety culture programme and create the conditions for success. You anticipate the requirements and resources needed for its deployment.
“Building together” means that all of the actors involved can take ownership.
4. Involve actors in the implementation of the programme
All of the actors concerned are involved
in the deployment of the programme and you manage any resistance. You acknowledge success, especially with respect to the management of your highest risks, to maintain the momentum around the process.
- Golden Rules programme
- Safety leadership programme
- Just and fair culture programme
- Safety visit programme
- Culture workshop and safety practices
All our actions are adapted to your own context!
5. Sustain your new practices and anchor safety culture values
You ingrain the new practices that contribute to the management of the highest risks in your activities by integrating them into your operating
procedures. Now you have transformed the values stated in your vision into values that are rooted in the practices of your business.
| What are the origins of the global approach to changing safety culture? |
It is a combination of:
- high-level scientific research based on theories of change and commitment;
- analysis of 150 000 questionnaires about perceptions of safety on the ground;
- discussions and interventions discussions and interventions carried out with Icsi members.
Do you have a safety culture project?