The vision seminar The vision seminar

The vision seminar

The vision seminar

The vision seminar The vision seminar


Senior management or extended management.


You have done a diagnosis and you have decided to change your entity’s safety culture. The next step for many companies is to immediately launch a quick-fix action plan... but that’s not a sustainable approach. Changing culture requires time and a clear idea of the objective.

That is the purpose of the Vision seminar: to define a shared vision to strengthen your safety culture, consolidate the foundations to get your ‘allies’ on board and refine your change management strategy.


The Vision seminar brings participants together around a shared vision of the future safety culture:

  • Where are we today? Where do we want to go? Why and for what? Is this compatible with the entity’s overall vision?
  • Who are the people – the coalition – that will support this change: and who will they work with?
  • What change management strategies should be put in place, what major projects should be undertaken: how do we do that?
  • How fast do we move: when?

The vision is built during a seminar that alternates plenary sessions, work in sub-groups, simulations and time for consolidation


Icsi’s contribution

  • Leading individual and group discussion sessions
  • Providing additional insight, industry benchmarks
  • Expertise in change management strategies


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Discover our publication "The essentials of safety culture", a 24-page illustrated summary.

The essentials of safety culture