Co-construction of the programme Co-construction of the programme

Co-construction of the programme

Co-construction of the programme

Co-construction of the programme Co-construction of the programme


  • Senior management or extended management
  • The safety culture coalition


Following the safety culture diagnosis, you defined the outline of your vision to developing your safety culture. Now that the vision and strategy have been widely shared, it’s time to translate them into concrete actions, bringing on board the various actors concerned.

The programme is the result of a collaborative construction, in order to:.

  • Get stakeholders involved in changes that affect them
  • Turn the vision into concrete actions that are in line with new ambitions
  • Create conditions that support the implementation of actions


Participants meet several times to:

  • consolidate current practices that should continue,
  • develop new ideas for concrete actions that are in line with new ambitions,
  • break down the identified priorities into concrete actions, actors to bring on board and associated indicators, identify how to involve people in the deployment and monitoring of the programme over time, in order to stay on course.

Icsi’s contribution

  • Leading individual and group discussion sessions
  • Providing additional insight, industry benchmarks
  • Expertise in change management strategies


| To read |

Discover our publication "The essentials of safety culture", a 24-page illustrated summary.

The essentials of safety culture