Training - Human and organizational factors, and safety culture Training - Human and organizational factors, and safety culture

Training - Human and organizational factors, and safety culture

Training - Human and organizational factors, and safety culture

Training - Human and organizational factors, and safety culture Training - Human and organizational factors, and safety culture

Públicos & requisitos previos

  • Managers, industrial project managers, HSE managers, HR managers.
  • Employee representatives and union officials.

No prerequisites.



  • Understand the principles of human and organizational factors and safety culture and turn them into drivers for overall organizational performance
  • Promote efficient and safe behavior through better integration of human and organizational factors
  • Develop safety leadership in the managerial hierarchy and involve all staff
  • Deploy the key, operational processes: just culture and the fight against organizational silence, learning culture and shared vigilance.



  • Introduction to safety culture, and human and organizational factors
  • Shared awareness of the most important risks: the different types of accidents – risk prevention with respect to serious and fatal accidents – the pitfalls of the incident rate and the Bird pyramid
  • Initiative-based and rule-based safety: building a safety model suited to each context
  • The 3 pillars of safety: technical safety, management systems, human and organizational factors (HOF) – a focus on HOF
  • The principles of leadership - Management leadership and employee buy-in: becoming a safety leader: why? how? – role playing and applications
  • Integrated culture: involving everyone – including subcontractors
  • Questioning culture: human error – types of errors – event analysis – moving from attributing cause to human error to understanding organizational root causes

Modalidades pedagógicas

Several formats are available:

Face-to-face training

  • 2 days of classroom training, with theoretical and more entertaining inputs
  • Real-life cases and practical, first-hand accounts,
  • Peer-to-peer discussions,
  • Preparation of an operational roadmap for each trainee.

100% online training

  • A 10-hour e-learning course that can be followed at your own pace,
  • Support, via virtual classes,
  • A variety of fun and educational content (quizzes, videos, articles, exercises, etc.)



On request, on an intra-company basis

This program can be adapted to an intra-company training setting, tailored to your context, and your strategic and operational challenges. For more information, contact us on 04 78 42 30 94 or by e-mail.

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